Posts and Articles
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Posts and Articles in chronological order
26-09-05 Herman Lindquists Napoleon (d)
07-05-05 Executive Coaching (d)
02-06-04 Brain Mods (e)
31-05-04 Plan of Attack - Bob Woodward on Iraq war (e)
09-05-04 Self-aware Copies (e)
19-04-04 I, Computer - Consciousness and Personality (e)
19-01-04 Robot Sex (e)
18-01-04 Heroes on the open prairie in 1876 (e)
21-09-03 Greg Egans Diaspora and the Fermi Paradox (e)
19-09-03 Out of the bubble! (e)
20-07-03 Dobbeltgaenger (e)
01-07-03 Terminators on Windows (e)
12-03-03 Asimov and the 3 dimensions of power (e)
08-02-03 Pax Robotica (e)
12-01-03 Roboticide and Robot Love (e)
29-12-02 True Blue - John Adams (e)
15-09-02 The Meme Machine (e)
08-06-02 HAL (d)
21-05-02 Creating the "I" - Antonio Damasio (d)
11-05-02 David Deutsch and the mulitiverse (e)
26-04-02 Time, Omega and SETI ! (e)
05-01-02 Who are the far Downstreamers in Stephen Baxters Universe? (e)
30-12-01 Review: Stephen Baxters Manifold 3, Origin (e)
29-12-01 2430 years of recorded horrors (e)
30-10-01 Review: Minds, Machines and the Multiverse (e)
29-10-01 Why Hillary Clinton will become president (e)
21-10-01 Return of PsychoHistory (e)
14-10-01 Review: Strategical Project Management (d)
02-10-01 Review: TimeTravel in Einsteins Universe (e)
29-07-01 Dreaming about the big upload. Intelligent computers (d)
29-07-01 Travellog from Las Vegas (d)
03-07-01 Recent reviews, Stephen Baxters Manifold series and more (e)
03-07-01 The Learning Organization (d)
03-03-01 Hic sunt dracones. The search for ETs (e)
25-02-01 Book review : Michael Crichtons Timeline (btw. more reviews at (d)
10-12-00 Voter Intent, Approval voting = McCain , not Gore. (e)
17-09-00 Nyrup og Jelveds Euro-garantier (d)
06-08-00 Joe Klein : Review of the Running Mate (e)
04-07-00 Euro afstemningen (d)
07-06-00 Speakers Corner, London (e)
24-04-00 Tylers ideer om samfunds udv. (d)
04-07-98 Asimov - Foundation (e)
04-07-98 Cykelsport (d)
27-04-98 Nighttrains (e)
13-07-97 Clinton i Kbh.(d)
05-04-96 Den Store Teori (d)
08-10-95 The OJ sitcom continues (e)
22-09-94 The Jacob Haugaard Platform (e)
22-02-93 Oprah talks to Michael Jackson (e)
08-08-92 European Arcadia (e)
01-08-92 Greece says NO to Democracy! (e)
02-07-92 European Union (e)
01-07-92 Democracy in EC - thing of the past? (e)
23-08-91 What a wonderful revolution (Russia) (e)
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