Simon Laub

Site History:
Back in 1991 Erik Futtrup introduced me to the brave new world of homepages.
At the time he had just started his own (homepage), and mine followed shortly thereafter.
According to legacy both were among the first 10.000 homepages on the internet.

The page layout has pretty much stayed the same over the years,
except for the occasional new article or post.
The address has changed a couple of times though: (1990 -> 1997) (1997 -> ) (1999 -> ) (1999 -> ) (2000 - 2003)

I.e. I had my first home page at Daimi. I moved to Angelfire in 1997 (where I still keep stuff that I am particular fond of). In 1999 I moved to TDC (I keep that as a mirror nowadays). Pictures and personal stuff are stored at Fortunecity. I used Subnet as my front to the world for almost three years, but storage restrictions on the site made it rather difficult to maintain.
So far I enjoy my new home here at Lycos and plan to stay here for many years to come!


July 24th. 2003.

Simon Laub.