Fra:Simon Laub ( Emne:Democracy in EC - a thing of the past. Nyhedsgruppe:soc.culture.europe, soc.culture.german View: Complete Thread (13 articles) Dato:1992-07-01 03:55:06 PST Democracy in EC --- A Thing Of The Past. 'After Maastricht Russia will be the freest country in Europe' -- One political commentator said after reading the deal. But still the full implications are not commonly known throughout Europe. For politicians it is a wonderful idear to take powers away from the constituency and moving it to some international body of heads of state, where 'nobody is really to blame for the decisions' --- making it impossible for voters to place responsibility. Take the example of the appointment of Delors for another term. Among ordinary Danes not exactly a popular man ... a person to get rid of as soon as possible. Impossible says the danish foreign secretary -- He is backed by the 11 other countries , so we will also back him , to avoid causing trouble. Danish voters aggravated , but gives in .... ------ One week later the scenario is repeated in the UK. There are no other candidates Major tells the press ....British voters are aggravated. Then one begins to wonder if a united Europe will be build according to the wishes of ordinary constituency. Simon Laub.